Hi, I’m daniel (they/he)
I am a queer non-binary and light-skinned Black trans man invested in offering healing justice services to my communities in through ongoing terror, violence, and precarity of these modern times.
Though I am also an ordained priest of Obatala in the Lukumí tradition, none of my services are based in Lukumí. For Lukumí-related guidance, I’m happy to direct people to trusted elders and diviners.
That said, my asé, of course, still grounds me in my gifts and offerings, giving me the energy necessary to provide energetic medicine to my people.
I am an ever-growing espiritista (spiritualist) practicing Afro-Cuban espiritismo cruzado, further evolved by the legacies and traditions of my Black American blood and spiritual ancestors and community members in this lifetime.
A born medium, I have spent the last several years learning to be in the practice of honoring my channel and my highly sensitive experience in this embodied vessel.
Given my larger commitments, I center Black, Brown, and other people of color as who are also women and femmes, queer, trans or gender non-conforming people in my practice. While I will not exclude other people, the sliding scale of economic equity that is part of my practice is meant to account for intersectional differences and differential access to resources.
I am excited and looking forward to working with you!!!!
My Approach
I have and continue to learn that to be a “healer” means to be a vessel/channel for healing energy that the client can use to heal themselves. I work to keep my vessel clear of energetic and spiritual contaminants that lessen the power of my channel.
One of Snail Sanctuary’s main tenants is based on a quote by Dr. Bayo Akomolafe: “The times are urgent, let us slow down.” Like the wisdom of the snail and the spiral of its protective shell, every offering given and the energy held by snail sanctuary is about slowing down enough to listen to the wisdom of our bodyminds and all that is guiding us.